Head Circles
Below you will find a list of movements for the head and face
Horizontal Head Circle
The horizontal head circle is done by sliding your head out to the right.
Then push it forward. Now slide it to the left. Next pull it back. This
should form a rough diamond shape. Make sure to keep your head
moving evenly on a horizontal line, don't let it drop down or lift up. When
you've got the basic idea down smooth it out to a circle.
Khaleegy Half Head Circle
Lean your head over to the right and then drop it down in the front and lift it
up to the left. Your head should be leaning to the left now so drop it down in
the front and lift it up to the right. Repeat this pattern. This usually has a
sort of bounciness to it and is often slower paced and earthy.
Khaleegy Head Circle
Lean your head over to the right and then drop it down in the front and lift it up to the left. Now lift your chin causing the head
to lift and go back and then drop the head a little as you bring it up to the right. Your head should be back to leaning right.
Your head should have circled all the way around. Repeat as many times as you like. You may also alternate directions.
This is often done at a medium to fast pace and often while leaning the head and or body forward. This helps the hair to really
fly around.
Khaleegi 3/4 Head Circle
This is a combination of the Sufi and Sufi Half Head Circle. First start with the half circles. Lean your head right, drop down in
front and up around to the left, down in front to the right, and down in front to the left, now finish by going all the way around
back up on the right and down around back and bring it all the way around in a whole circle and up to the right. Form here you 
immediately start into your next 3/4 Head Circle and since you are already on the right just drop your head forward in front to
the left, and then again to the right, around in front to the left. When you complete the whole circle at the end of the pattern,
bringing it up counts as one. Count this move as 1, and, 2, and, 3, and, 4, and. Start with your head leaning right. Drop it
down around to the Left ( 1, and, ). To the Right ( 2, and ). To the Left ( 3 ) drop it down and around to the right ( and ). Lift it
up and bring it around back ( 4 ) then bring it back to the left ( and ). Now Your head will be leaning to the left and you can
repeat the pattern starting by dropping down around to the right. Every time you bring your head forward in a half circle it
counts as "1" and the whole circle is "and 4 and".